I just purchased CDPedia and am very pleased with the program. I have done some searching and looking through the support materials so if I missed the answer to my question I apologize.
I have multiple iTunes libraries for various purposes. My primary library is on an external drive. Is there any way to get CDPedia to look for the iTunes library on the external CD or is it hard coded to look in ~/Music/iTunes?
I realize I can export the library and then import it into CDPedia but that seems a bit cumbersome to do on a regular basis.
Thanks for a good product!
CDPedia: Multiple iTunes Libraries & external disks
Re: CDPedia: Multiple iTunes Libraries & external disks
It does look by default for the file in your home folder at "~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml". But if this file does not exist it should prompt you to locate the iTunes Library, via an open dialog box. So make sure that you don't have an empty or other iTunes library file at this location. If for some reason you are using that file path as well and need to have it, you can tell CDpedia's preference file directly where the library is, while CDpedia is not running, with the following command in the program named Terminal:
Code: Select all
defaults write com.bruji.cdpedia "iTunes Library XML" -string "/Volumes/ADrive/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml"