I have found DVDpedia to be an excellent program and I hope I can create a html template to export the library for use on a networked media player as a kind of Movie Jukebox; I've had success with basic exports, but so far have been unable to resolve the following:
I need 3 rows of 10 movie covers:
<td width="1068" align="left"><table class="movies" border="0">
<td width="1"><a href="[key:title].html" name="[key:incrementalNumber]" id="movie[key:incrementalNumber]" onFocus="show([key:incrementalNumber])" onBlur="hide([key:incrementalNumber])" onClick="return prompter('Approved')"><img src="[key:title]_.png" width="100" height="150" onMouseOver="show([key:incrementalNumber])" onMouseOut="hide([key:incrementalNumber])"/></a><a href="file:///[key:title].mkv" id="playid[key:incrementalNumber]" vod=""/>
</td> This repeated 10 times
<td width="1"><a href="[key:title].html" name="[key:incrementalNumber]" id="movie[key:incrementalNumber]" onFocus="show([key:incrementalNumber])" onBlur="hide([key:incrementalNumber])" onClick="return prompter('Approved')"><img src="[key:title]_.png" width="100" height="150" onMouseOver="show([key:incrementalNumber])" onMouseOut="hide([key:incrementalNumber])"/></a><a href="file:///[key:title].mkv" id="playid[key:incrementalNumber]" vod=""/>
</td>This repeated 10 times
<td width="1"><a href="[key:title].html" name="[key:incrementalNumber]" id="movie[key:incrementalNumber]" onFocus="show([key:incrementalNumber])" onBlur="hide([key:incrementalNumber])" onClick="return prompter('Approved')"><img src="[key:title]_.png" width="100" height="150" onMouseOver="show([key:incrementalNumber])" onMouseOut="hide([key:incrementalNumber])"/></a><a href="file:///[key:title].mkv" id="playid[key:incrementalNumber]" vod=""/>
</td>This repeated 10 times
And also a list at the end of the document body of all 30 listed movies:
<div class="title" id="title[key:incrementalNumber]">[key:title]</div>
Is this possible?
Table Export Template
Re: Table Export Template
Glad you are enjoying DVDpedia. Unfortunately, the export is not able to break up the loop into different sections and then repeat it all for the titles at the bottom. It's definitely a great idea and something we would love to include but would take some serious work. It would happen quite further down the road. Currently the way we create columns is by using CSS and the float:left property to create different number of columns depending on the thickness of the contain div. Not sure if your Movie jukebox would be able to handle that setup, but you could try:
Code: Select all
<div class="movies" width="1068">
<div width="106" style="float:left;"><a href="[key:title].html" name="[key:incrementalNumber]" id="movie[key:incrementalNumber]" onFocus="show([key:incrementalNumber])" onBlur="hide([key:incrementalNumber])" onClick="return prompter('Approved')"><img src="[key:title]_.png" width="100" height="150" onMouseOver="show([key:incrementalNumber])" onMouseOut="hide([key:incrementalNumber])"/></a><a href="file:///[key:title].mkv" id="playid[key:incrementalNumber]" vod=""/>
</div> <!--This repeated 30 times -->