Cursor Position in DVDpedia Fullscreen Mode

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Bruji Friend
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Cursor Position in DVDpedia Fullscreen Mode

Post by pmoto »

I recently upgraded my Mac Mini to 10.5. Of course this also upgraded the DVD Player application to the newest version. I am now experiencing a minor issue when using DVDpedia (in Fullscreen mode) to launch DVD Player and play the linked video.

It appears when I launch DVDpedia directly into fullscreen mode the cursor is moved/placed in the extreme lower left corner of the screen. I assume this is to obscure the cursor while browsing DVDpedia in fullscreen mode. However, this does not occur if I manually switch to fullscreen mode from the table view.

The problem occurs when I launch a linked video. The new version of DVD Player displays a transparent pop-up control area across the bottom of the screen whenever the mouse is moved to the lower portion of the screen. Since DVDpedia placed the cursor in the extreme lower left corner of the screen, this pop-up is visible when DVD Player launches. I must use the mouse to move the cursor away from the bottom of the screen in order to get this control to disappear. While this is only a minor issue, ideally I would like to control everything with only my remote (no keyboard or mouse).

My question is: is it possible to either not have the cursor placed in the lower left corner when DVDpedia launches into fullscreen mode, or to move the cursor away from the lower left corner when DVD Player launches so the DVD Player control pop-up will not be displayed? I am hoping there might be some simply applescript command that could be added the the DVD Player applescript that solves this issue. Any assistance you may be able to provide will be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Cursor Position in DVDpedia Fullscreen Mode

Post by Conor »

Say no more, here is a beta with a modern self disappearing cursor and centered at mid screen height.
Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
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Re: Cursor Position in DVDpedia Fullscreen Mode

Post by pmoto »

Thanks Conor. The beta works perfectly. I appreciate your assistance.
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