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Abe Books searches broken

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 8:12 pm
by scf
Searches of Abe Books seem horribly broken, or there is a syntax issue that is not obvious. Using the search line in Bookpedia of:
"by the pricking of my thumbs" 1968 dodd
comes back with a first hit of "Business Week Guide to Mutual Funds". Huh?

When I go to the Abe site and plug in appropriate terms (title = "by the pricking of my thumbs", keywords = "dodd 1968"), I get a list of books that matches mine. If I put the original search string into the keywords field on Abe and nothing anywhere else, it also works correctly.

Re: Abe Books searches broken

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:45 am
by Conor
Thank you for the details on AbeBooks. I checked the API and it's an issue with the vendor listing the wrong ISBN for the book. The listing does say "By The Pricking of My Thumbs copyright 1968" but the ISBN is 9780071342612, which does correspond to the Business Week Mutual Funds, and hence how we get the cover and info.

I have updated the plugin to just use the ISBN for the cover and keep the original info from the original search. It was being light wait and only asking for ISBN and title on the original search and then for the details when clicking on a book. I have now made it so it ask for everything at once, this way there will be no mismatch. Does mean the original search might take a bit longer, but you will then be able to page the results quicker. Allowing you to search for only "by the pricking of my thumbs" and narrow down on the side bar results. Speaking of which I have appended the year to the results sidebar when available to make it easier to find.

All in the beta version of Bookpedia.