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FrontRow Like Full Screen

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:56 pm
by MJB3
Could you make the Fullscreen mode more like FrontRow was?

Im wasting countless hours trying to get FrontRow and the old DVDPedia-Plug-in to work in Yosemite OSX 10.10, so I can upgrade my mac-mini from the OSX 10.6 (the last FrontRow + Plugin OSX version to work). The DVDPedia-FrontRow-Plug in is the only reason Im keeping it at 10.6.

It would be so Awesome if the FullScreen DVDPedia just worked like FrontRow, with the Apple Remote.

The FullScreen DVDPedia now, is just clunky. Up and Down is just wasted on 'several back or forth' when holding the left and right does the same thing kinda, and accessing 'Collections' is not easy or intuitive (or maybe even possible?) with the remote, as well as getting the info on a entry or playing it.

It would be so Awesome if the the old FrontRow was the Model, as it was such an Awesome way to review and access the DVDPedia library and launch linked TS_files/films into Apple DVDPlayer.

Many thanks for all your works.