CD Pedia - Changing Genre's and Format?

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CD Pedia - Changing Genre's and Format?

Post by MichaelF »

I' ve quite a large collection of westafrican music, which comes in media of tapes, CDs, vinyl, own recordings, etc.
I quite often have vinyls; while this is not available otherwise, I bring it into CDPedia as a CD - but would like to change the automatic term of its format, aka CD to Vinyl.
But I didn't found the way to do it.

Same as with the genre, some db apply very artificial and generic terms, while I would like to apply more specific ones; I mean "world music" has no significance, as it doesn't means any thing at all, apart from the fact that a lot of people are unaware of it....

How many albums can handle a CDPedia DB? Any limits?

A last question:
I'd like to combine the stuff in CDPedia and Devonthink - therefore export as the CDPedia as txt, but would like to add the songtitels, what ist the syntax for it? [key:songtitel] didn't worked..

thanks michael
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Re: CD Pedia - Changing Genre's and Format?

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the feedback on CDpedia. Changing the information coming in from the search site in real time to a default is not currently possible. I would recommend adding Vinyl to a special collection or sorting by date added, so that you can then use the multiple edit feature to update values like format and genre quickly without having to do it for each addition.

There are no limits to CDpedia. We test the software up to 10,000 items and is our official must run well limit. We do know of several users with 20,000 to 40,000 items. Affected most by such a large library is the internal search, specially if you set it to search the track information.

Since there is no standard way of including multiple items in a test export the default CSV does not include track information. To include this information you have to write your own text template. Obviously, you already have a template, but for others reading this post one first creates a text file with a .txt extension and place it in your home folder under ~/Library/Application Support/CDpedia/Templates. It would then contain something along the following to include the track name separated by a semi-colon:

Code: Select all

For all the other fields you might want to include in the template the names are what you would expect but refer to this list for all the possibilities: all items, CDpedia and tracks.
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Re: CD Pedia - Changing Genre's and Format?

Post by MichaelF »

Thanks Conor,

yeah, that's a big help; I have been looking for the tempates syntax, but had'nt found it on the site. Great feature!
The template saves a lot of time, as with it's help, I don't have to enter the songs twice!

I understand that searching for individual songs takes longer, but this is important for the specific situation here, to understand better the evolution/filiation of the songs through bands and areas....
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