Pocketpedia: Wrong Fields appearing after synch

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Pocketpedia: Wrong Fields appearing after synch

Post by Axel »


I am new to bookpedia and english is not my mother tongue, so I apologize for any mistake and will try to make myself clear:

I've got Bookpedia 4.3.2 along with Pocketpedia 1.1.2 on an iPod Touch 2.1.1 (5F138)

My issue is:
Bookpedia is sorted by 1:Series 2:Number ID 3: Title

After synchronising, Pocketpedia synchs the same way BUT is not showing the name of the Series even if the sort is correct...

Instead it shows Title in black bold, Author in grey and the grey stars

Is there a way to have the same sorting in both devices? I find hard to understand how pocket can sort by series but not showing the actual names of the series.
I read that the sych cannot be done with numbers which is my second sort criteria, could it be the problem?

Many thanks for your help and keep up the good work

EDIT: Sorry, I suppose I've got the answer....http://www.bruji.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2577
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Re: Pocketpedia: Wrong Fields appearing after synch

Post by Conor »

I was about to mention that it's just a limitation of Pocketpedia that the sub title is always fixed. It can't change it to the currently sorted attribute. The secondary number field sort is not an issue. The problem with the numbers is creating the index sections, but the secondary sort does not come into play when creating the sections (all the books with the same series will be in the same section).
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Re: Pocketpedia: Wrong Fields appearing after synch

Post by Axel »

Hi Conor,

Many thanks for your reply...but I'm not sure to understand....

There is no way to see the fields I need on my iPod?
If my first sort criteria does not appear it's of no help at all, I really don't need the useless star system when I want to look on my device which book I have or not, I want to see series, title, author...

Does that mean that I have to enter everything in the Title field in Bookpedia? Like SerieNameNumber5Titleof the book?

Many thanks for your help
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Re: Pocketpedia: Wrong Fields appearing after synch

Post by Conor »

In the current version of Pocketpedia the series information is displayed in the details for the book. It's not displayed in the list browse, even though the books are sorted by series. Pocketpedia is highly optimized to make the most of the iPod capabilities, it loads as little memory as possible. For the list view the title and the sub title are loaded when displayed without loading any other information. This limits the flexibility of the information that can be displayed in that view but keeps the browsing of a large list fluid. If you do need the information in the browsing view instead of the details view you will need to include it in the title or author field.
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Re: Pocketpedia: Wrong Fields appearing after synch

Post by Axel »

Hi conor,

Many thanks again for that quick and complete answer...
If you do need the information in the browsing view instead of the details view you will need to include it in the title or author field.
That's what I thought...

I will then have to find a way to make a special list in Bookpedia to synch whith the pod.
Maybe an excel spreasheet with formulas would compile all my 3 selected fields in one...and then reimporting in the pedia...but I might have to do a second time all the specific corrections then (accurate covers, accurate edition dates etc)...

I'll try that then

Thanks for all your help
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Re: Pocketpedia: Wrong Fields appearing after synch

Post by Conor »

There is no need to go to Excel. We use SQL as our database and you could access it directly in the Terminal to merge your fields. It can be very dangerous to your data so be sure to backup your entire data folder first (~/Library/Application Support/Bookpedia) and keep the backup for the long term.

Without Bookpedia running type the following in your Terminal program (three separate lines to be entered one at a time): The middle line is the one that does all the work, I assumed that the number column was the collection ID, if not update as necessary.

Code: Select all

 sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/Bookpedia/Database.pediadata
update zEntry set zTitle = zSeries || ' - ' || zCollectionID || ' - ' || zTitle WHERE zSeries is not NULL AND zTitle is not NULL AND zCollectionID is not NULL;
This will merge all three fields into the title field. Now run Bookpedia and export your collection as a .bookpedia file.
Quit Bookpedia and delete the new merged database ~/Library/Application Support/Bookpedia/Database.pediadata and replace with the backup version of that file. Run Bookpedia and you will have your original database back. Import the .bookpedia file by double clicking it to have a new collection with the fields merged.
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Re: Pocketpedia: Wrong Fields appearing after synch

Post by Axel »

Hi Connor,


Billion of thanks, your script is ace, it works perfect and it's exactly what I wanted to achieve!

Believe it or not, after 10 years using a mac I bought my first iPod almost only to be able to carry my Books list with me, and with that last solution you gave me, Bookpedia is achieving exactely what I was needing...I won't buy any more duplicate books now...

Many thanks for your time, many thanks for your clear explanations

All the best for your project

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Re: Pocketpedia: Wrong Fields appearing after synch

Post by Midori »

I have to say, since the problem I had with Bookpedia and Pocketpedia has been solved, this is the only feature I am still waiting for: the series (I use the field tu put the name of it and the number not a separate field for those two datas).

I use the thing you suggested, but I had to modify it slightly, since my database is not in its usual place, but in a folder named base that is in the main user's folder. So for those who have an unusual database location, the ~represents in fact users/the_user_logged_on/ ...

Code: Select all

 sqlite3 ~/bases/Bookpedia/Database.pediadata
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